Welcome to my home page dedicated to dance and ballet photographs.
This site represents my personal work and contains images of dancers from different companies and academies, taken over several years (from 2007) during rehearsals and classes, backstage, outdoor locations focused in architectural and historical contexts.
You can browse the photographs using the main section by cities, or going directly to the themed galleries by tags, representing the different aspects of my vision of the ballet dancer.
I am an architect based in Rome Italy involved in photography since my very early age, following my father on location shoots. Soon after I started to shoot myself during my frequent journeys around the world, developing photos in my little dark room in my basement. Since then, the way images magically appear on the white sheets it is something I find absolutely fascinating. Lately I came back to photography exploring the digital world and improving my technical skills, concentrating my attention on the use of lighting, which I consider one of the most creative aspects of photography. Under this regard it has been very helpful a course taken in Rome at the Scuola Romana di Fotografia. One of the projects I developed during this course was focused on the world of dance. This subject has attracted me ever since. Now at last I decided to dedicate a web site to this theme to share my work with everyone interested in dance. Even though movement is considered to be the essence of dance, what I find most interesting are the “static “ angles and lines of the dancers I shoot. I see them very close to architectonic details and lines. I also pay attention to the graphic and perspective elements, not just for the background but also for the main subject. I’ve been shooting dance pictures in many different places around Europe and in the US. My interest is focused on getting close to the dancer as “a person”, capturing the hard work at the barre, the sweat, the expression of exausted eyes, exploting lines and details during the exercise and the moment of relax. In short I am much more interested to the daily training of a dancer rather than the performance on stage. Usually I like to position my subjects on a side rather than in the center of the frame, giving great importance to the background even when it is just abstract; I also instinctively put the subject on a tilting horizon which offers more options to look at the scene.
I hope you enjoy your visit to my website. For any comments please contact me at foto.portrait@gmail.com.